Howard G Davies and Associates


“Howard Davies’ proven expertise on the application and interpretation of standards in the fitness industry will prove both useful and commercially beneficial for members dealing with what is often a very complex subject.”
Pete Wells - Quality & Standards Manager – UK Active

“Experience and expertise are essential in providing fair and unbiased opinion for accident and expert witness reports. Howard Davies and his company is able to provide all of these qualities when dealing with accidents in fitness gyms. This can result in claims being settled more quickly, often avoiding the need for long, complex and expensive litigation.”
Dr Steven Lloyd – President - IEW Institute of Expert Witnesses.

“I know of no one else in the UK fitness equipment business who can offer such a wide ranging knowledge on fitness equipment design safety, including use by the disabled and compliance with regulations and standards, thus providing fitness club owners with the means of protecting themselves from potential litigation.”
Rob Barker - CEO Precor USA,

“Having first met Howard Davies over 30 years ago, he is the first person I turn to when seeking advice on legal matters relating to standards compliance. His advice is unbiased, clear and concise and has proved invaluable to my own company and the FIA and UK Active Health& Safety committees over many years.”
Brian Davies JP, MD European Corporate Wellbeing, Chairman of UKactive (Health and Safety Committee.)

“Howard Davies is the acknowledged expert on safety in the indoor fitness industry. As with my own company, which provides outdoor safety advice for Children's Playgrounds, School Gymnasia, Sports facilities and Playing fields, his company offers a complete range of safety services for indoor fitness gym owners and managers.”
Jean Wenger – Managing Director – Active Risk Management Services Ltd.
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"Howard Davies’ proven expertise on the application and interpretation of standards in the fitness industry will prove both useful and commercially beneficial for members dealing with what is often a very complex subject."
Pete Wells Quality Manager – UK Active
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